Just got back from 8 days on the 444. It was my third time sailing this boat so we obviously like it. Winds were high so we consistently made 8-9 knots on most points of sail. I agree with JoshA above that you could use a second winch for the main sheet to make it easier and I had trouble with it at first but got used to it pretty quickly. It is not a problem for close hauled tacking as you don't have to adjust the main sheet but you really need to be prepared if you're reaching or running when you make direction changes. Center the main a little before gybing and ease it over and have some one else let out one sheet while you take in the other. Also, when tacking don't release your jib sheet until it has backwinded and pushed you all the way across (like most cats <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Wink.gif" alt="" />)
I have had trouble getting close to the wind in the past and you can expect about 60 degrees but this time we were able to get to 45 degrees, I think because of the higher winds. Would not want to beat all the way to St. Marteen against an easterly wind in this boat but it is roomy with an electric winch and great for a week with a big group where everyone has a cabin/head to themselves. Can pretty much single hand except for some minor difficulties with the furling line and the main sheet. And definitely make sure your latch works on the sliding door before leaving as it would be very annoying if not working correctly.
I'm not sure there is a better boat for 8 adults for the price from the standpoint of single handing and roominess. It handled 7 foot swells on the way to Anegada like a champ close hauled.