We came the year after Irma, and sort of in the middle of Covid. We met survivor stories post-Irma that were amazing. One taxi driver said he'd lost his cab and had a boat deposited in his yard, but everyone made it through ok and he got a new cab. Someone else in Leverick was living in a tent on the slab of their former house. Youth from USA were there helping rebuild a school on Virgin Gorda. The trees were just beginning to come back, BEYC, Saba Rock and other places were gone. But the strength of the population just made us love the BVI that much more.

Being there when Covid was beginning to rage in the BVI was unusual but it had its moments. We had "dinghy takeout" from Wonky Dog and Abe's in Little Harbour. Fabulous meals. Because of the reduced crowds Nova at Oil Nut Bay was closed but they were allowing visitors free access to the main restaurant, pool and beach. Wasn't crowded and the meal was fabulous.

So even when things were pretty much chaotic and destroyed it was a different but wonderful place to visit.

Louis from Houston