We left the island yesterday (a Saturday) on a Delta flight scheduled for 3:30. We arrived at the airport about 1:30. Delta had lots of counters open, with only a few people ahead of us, so we quickly checked in and checked our bags. We noticed JetBlue had a much longer line. The machines to scan your boarding pass to allow access to the departure area were working fine, and there was no wait at the security screening. We were at our gate less than 20 minutes after entering the airport. We left from gate A so had a jetway.
It was the fastest trek through the airport that I can remember, especially since it was a Saturday afternoon. The main floor waiting area was very full and there were lines at the restaurants.
We headed for the runway on time, but then had to wait about 15 minutes for clearance because of the heavy incoming traffic. We started to roll down the runway from the Maho end like for a take off, then slowed down and our pilot drove to the opposite end, turned, and we took off the other direction than normal. No comment from the pilot so not sure what happened but a friend sitting near the flight attendants in their jump seats noticed that they were remarking about the odd take off.