So I’m back on the island after a few year’s absence. Between Irma, Covid and Don's health it just wasn’t possible to travel. I’m at the Royal Palm for a week - booked an extra week with Destination XChange. On the 1st floor, mosquitos are wicked but the unit is lovely and the staff are extremely friendly and helpful.
Arrival was 20” from the time I hit the door - Delta parked remotely, no gate - to when I walked out the door with my checked luggage. AF was just clearing out from the kiosks, several of which were out of order. I used a wheelchair cuz of a hip injury so I can’t comment on the kiosks as I went up to the resident's window.
Rented a car from Unity who I have rented from for at least 20 years. This is the eventful part. After sitting in traffic for 15” to get from the RP to Market Garden when I finally got back to the RP and parked, my foot must have slipped (can’t figure out what really happened) and the car lurched forward into the concrete wall. Front end damage, which doesn’t look as bad today as it did last night. Only on the island for 3 hours and this was only the 3rd time in my life I had damaged a car! Good track record but bad timing. Called Michael and I’ll bring it back today.
Very windy this morning but sunny and warm. That’s the part of this vacation I’ll really enjoy.