It is very comfortable here. Most speak English, communication not an issue. Transportation easy and several options, rented a car, Mercedes Benz no less, for two weeks. Total cost=. $200 and that was taking the expensive insurance daily as we were nervous. Food is cheap, Eggs….. ready….$ 2,60 euro for a dozen. Weather is favorable mid 50’s to mid 60’s. If sun is out it is very comfortable. Outdoor culture, lots of hiking and walking. Love that the restaurants provide blankets for evening dining, just wear a coat and wrap around your legs. It has been in the teens in Pa often since we left. Lots of Ex Pats everywhere too.
My husband and I both can truly say we feel very comfortable here.
Just booked for eight weeks next winter and will be staying a bit east in Lagos. Tons of small medieval towns and castles, villages for some cultural variety and immersion as well you might expect in Europe.
Wanted to find places to winter now that we are both retired. Also can rent a two bed nice apt for under $3,000. In our shore towns it would cost that much per week!
You. Do need to stay closer to larger towns as like any resort area a lot of things are closed in winter, from about mid December to end of January or February. But we have found enough open especially here in Albufeira and also Lagos. I am sure Faro and a few others as well.
Last edited by toast; 02/22/2025 12:23 PM.