At long long last it looks like I am headed back to the place I have been dreaming of! Last time I was in the BVI I was younger, and thinner, more agile, and without child. My daughter is 7 and super excited to see the places I have been talking about for her lifetime. We are headed down at the end of Jan for a 10 day
I know a lot has changed and maybe not changed over the last 15 years. If you all wouldn't mind help me with a couple of updates/ questions:
- Are there any great new-ish eateries that we should venture to? Any of the old good ones that are gone or are too over run, changed hands and lost their "BVIness"?
- Hows the snorkeling these days? Recommendations?
- Last time I was there I was a single person and spent most days bar hopping, as one does. Now with family in tow I am looking for some family friendly activities outside of the water. Hiking spots, etc,...Anything that your kids really enjoyed?
- I saw a post about tough north swells. I don't remember being much bothered by any action. However I usually was down in May/June and I was younger and probably much more indifferent. Advice, notes, anything
- Any places to get fresh fish and/or veges along the way. I remember a fruit/vege boat in Trellis - are they still running, anywhere else??
- Favorite on board meals to cook. Just looking to branch out from our norm.
- Do you all need a e-Sim coming from US?
Thanks a Million for any info you can send our way. We can't wait. I can't wait.