Strike - Update

"Negotiations between the SAUR Regional Directorate and the UGTG union delegation that took place in Guadeloupe during the whole day of December 24th have been suspended until Thursday 26th, without overall progress.

The point regarding the Saint Martinos agents being the last on the list of demands, all local authorities have mobilized to exchange with the strikers with the willingness to not meet this deadline.

Mr. Prefect, Mr. President of the Collective, Mr. President EEASM, Mrs. President of CCISM have thus gone to the Galisbay strike picket to ask the strikers to return the production plant to work and to ensure minimum drinking water supply hospital, dialysis and EHPAD services. Others, such as the Member of Parliament, also took part in the remote discussions.

The majority of the strikers caused health and penal issues and opted for a partial commissioning of the production tool.

This one is limited to 135 m3/h and started yesterday at 20:30 (nominated production 330 m3/h). The stock constituted tonight has since this morning been exclusively directed to the Mont des Accords reservoir for a watering of the priority areas (Hospital Center, EHPAD) around noon today.

The entire SAUR group is appalled by the action conducted by the UGTG during this holiday season and will know how to draw conclusions regarding the seriousness of the facts.

Obviously, we remain mobilized this Christmas Day to try and turn things around. "