As I mentioned on another thread, we flew home yesterday. We had read how quickly the new departure system was but we found the contrary. We dropped off our car with Lesley from Kenny’s at departures easily and even though we had checked in with Westjet online we had to obtain paper boarding passes when we dropped off our luggage. Check in went smoothly and we proceeded to the self scan gates before going up the escalator. There was something wrong with the bar code for Westjet however and all passengers had to manually show boarding passes when we and passport before going up. On getting upstairs we encountered a line going towards the security screening. Being tall I was able to see over the screen and observed a mass of people waiting for security. Once we got past the barrier we noticed six rows of zigzag lines before the screening area. After performing the airport shuffle for 40-50 minutes we arrived at screening to see that there are three screening stations but only one was functioning. Given that United, American, Air France, Westjet, and Sunwing has flights, it appears that there is a management or staffing issue. All in all it took over an hour which about the same time we spent last year pre new system.