As timeshare owners, we've stayed at Divi nearly 30 times. We usually have one dinner on site and a few lunches at Gizmos, and for all those years the food has been mediocre. Have never been able to figure out why that is, on an island where great dining is so plentiful. We have encountered some people doing the AI. In one instance it was a larger extended family group with several teens and younger kids, so they found t was easier to just do AI and let them eat when and what they wanted. Other times it seems to be couples who must be accustomed to doing AI at resorts on other islands or in Mexico…places where venturing out from the resort is more challenging and intimidating than on SXM. If you book a trip to SXM without doing your research about the dining options, you might take the easy path and just pick AI. I know on our one trip to Jamaica, I was happy to be doing AI.