@Colour1 - no 14-story building will be built in the approach or departure path of PJIA. It's not a zoning question, but an ICAO one. If they just put up a building like that, the airport would lose its license - and that isn't going to happen regardless of who gets bribed...

Since the only published approach for PJIA is runway 010 it would be a departure obstacle. The only possible obstruction on departure would be a 14-story around the Carrefour area. And that is over a mile away and just under the IFR 40:1 rule. Buildings in Simpson Bay and Cupecoy are not even close to any flight path. And there's an even higher obstacle (the hill) in that area anyway. I think you actually are the only one thinking of 9-11 in this context. The twin towers weren't on any flight path...

addition: The airport's published arrival/departure information - https://ww2.jeppesen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/tncm.pdf

Last edited by Zanshin; 12/03/2024 09:12 AM.

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