Truly so sad. A completely avoidable situation and accident.

Please, please, please, please, please make sure you are using lights at night when operating boats. For charter guests, bring down a couple headlamps with you for your trip and make sure you have at minimum one person on your dinghy operating it at night. This can literally save your life!!!!

I heard the story from a couple different people who were at Saba or nearby when the accident happened. Here is what I have been able to gather:

-Dinghy with 8pax leaving Saba Rock, was heading back to their charter boat which was on a ball at BEYC. Unclear if the dinghy had lights on our not.
-20ft RIB being operated by the First Mate of an ~130ft super yacht was coming from the yacht (anchored over by Little Bay in the North Sound) and was headed to Necker to pick up guests which were staying on the yacht for the Necker Cup
-Superyacht RIB was moving at extremely high speeds for the location and situation.
-Superyacht RIB essentially t-boned the dinghy in the channel between Saba Rock and BEYC, just downwind of Saba.
-The captain of the dinghy sustained lacerations to his leg and side from a propeller strike, as well a severe shoulder injury.
-The captain of the dinghy was retrieved from the water, and transported by boat to Gun Creek, where he was then taken by ambulance to the Virgin Gorda clinic.
-Initial reports were that he was okay, so it was a surprise to all of us here when we learned the next morning that he had passed away. Unclear of what actually was the cause of death.

Really sorry for the morbid post. But again, please, please, please make sure you are always using lights at night!

It is very easy to get careless when the boat is close, you've had a few cocktails, and are returning back to your boat after a great dinner.