Regarding building the Perch Bar and Grill, it is not considered a permanent structure so it is allowed.
You say that the Copro can't get permits to rebuild but I don't know that is true. I'm pretty sure it isn't true. The issue is complex and while permit applications have been submitted in the past, changing rules due to the PPRN meant that those applications did not meet the requirements. I understand that the issue is still under question since the rules about what can be repaired vs rebuilt and what is required if you do rebuild.
Cedrick's employee may have been referring to the beach and he may not have accurate information either.
Orient Beach Club (OBC) is in liquidation (as it says in the article you linked to) so it definitely isn't making money!
Cedrick and Randy are registered business owners so I'm pretty sure they are getting the profits since they are running the businesses. The Copro has nothing to do with their business operations other than allowing them to use the land and that is so that they will continue to keep the beach for all the naturists that love it. That is totally in keeping with the spirit of Club Orient.
I like to stay hopeful.