Well, another hot/humid day and no wifi/internet here at The Horny Toad. Starlink is for use on the French side but Dutch side places can use it as a mobile service. Something has gotten crossed between the “mobile” aspect of it and the Dutch government not wanting it used on this side of the island since TellCell is owned by the government. If it is not working by sometime tomorrow, The Horny Toad will supposedly cancel the contract and go another route.

While this is an annoyance and added expense with my phone usage, The Horny Toad can’t really do any business that requires internet until this is resolved. I depart on Wednesday and may not seen internet here the balance of my stay.

Today started with coffee under the pavilion with the fans running. Very warm and humid after a morning shower. A quick chat with Doug and some time with one of the cats and I heard Mullet Bay calling again.

One ship in port today so I expected somewhat of a crowd at Mullet. I met Chester in the parking lot about 9:30 and was able to get front row again with a discount for coming back again. Mullet Bay was just as nice as the other day but less crowded. I had a hot dog from Rosie’s and a couple of beers over the course of several hours and many dips in the ocean to cool down. Joan at Rosie’s always recognizes me and calls me by name and takes very good care of me.

There was a large contingent of Italians on the ship and many were enjoying the beach as well. I found a couple of friendly people who had questions about the island so I answered when I could with those that spoke English. One Italian lady had her mother and 16 year old daughter with her. They sat next to me and we enjoyed conversation, both in and out of the water. They had taken a taxi to Pinel, only to find the ferry was not running today. They had ”Plan B” and that was Mullet Bay and after getting over the change of plans, they seemed to really enjoy Mullet Bay. They regretting having their taxi return so early.

As I was leaving, I saw a familiar taxi # and was able to hi to another long-time island friend I had not seen for a couple of years.

After some rest, I am going back out on No1SXM for the sunset cruise and meeting a friend afterwards. Hopefully it works out.

The sunset cruise was very pleasant and full but still not overcrowded. We sailed towards Philipsburg versus the usual heading towards Long Bay as the winds had shifted.

I met Junior at Pineapple Pete for some appetizers. As always, Pierre was on sight and taking care of a busy night at the restaurant. 15% SC added.

I apologize for not making daily updates but when you are “off the grid”, that is how things go.

Oh, and BTW, load-shedding by GEBE has the generator running again here at The Horny Toad. With the heat as it is this trip, I would NOT recommend staying anywhere that does not have and adequate generator on the property.

One item I brought this trip that has come I very handy is a very small (12ml-1/2oz) pump spray bottle of eyeglass cleaner. I had some lens wipes but they were drying out so I threw this little bottle in. Between smudges, perspiration, wind and humidity, I find my glasses/sunglasses in need of a lot of cleaning. This has worked well.
