Originally Posted by mahokid
.. back home we stick to a very rigid food eating plan limiting meat, gluten and sugars

I was never meant to be thin, born and raised above my parent's restaurant, food is my life and living

I envy you. Back in the 70-80's when we first discovered SXM our ritual was to drive to GC upon arrival, stop at the restaurant across from A'Burge Gormand (tring to remember the name) and lunch was an order of 12 count escargot each, bottle of white Sancere and a basket of bread to sop up the garlic butter from the escargot.

Then several years later hubby thought he'd been bitten by something in the water because his foot swelled up. Went to the ER and he was given two scripts. After 3 days (I had withdrawal from eating dinner out) of sleeping he woke and said he was fine. So off we went to GC and repeated our "signature" lunch. Again the foot swelled. More pills but no more escargot.

While in P'burg looking for wide sandals so he could try walking, a man stopped us and told us where the "voodoo" lady's shop was near the police station. He said she had something to help called Black Cherry concentrate. I walked in, asked for it and she replied, "OH the man got the gout, has he." Even the hospital didn't diagnose that!. Now he is on medication but still takes the cherry.

So Mahokid I'm living vicariously through your reports so keep them coming!

Last edited by RonDon; 08/23/2024 12:47 PM.