Scotty--I wish I could tell you the situation would be resolved by January. I believe it will be somewhat better than it is right now, but that isn't saying much. As far as electric, if you stay in one of the big resorts, like Royal Palm, Flamingo, Simpson Bay Resort, they have generators. They would cost more than a B & B place, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about electric there. Best wishes.
Well, shoot Carol. I was hoping you were a fortune teller and you could tell me if it would be better this winter. LOL. If so, I was also going to bring you along to the casinos too. HAHA. I may just look at going to another island this winter, as I don't want to mess with any of this crap unless some of the places I'm looking at can tell me if they have a generator or not. Thanks again for your great insight on all of this. You have been and always will be the best.