Week 2 is about to end and soon we will say goodbye to the island.

The action group (see my week one report) had a great time discovering the island. More hikes up to high points and discovering more tidal pools and beaches. While the beach group held down the sand. I myself had plenty of snorkel time and took a great many pictures. I'll be spending a few hours on the big display at home sorting through to find the best.

We had a group outing yesterday to Mullet bay. Beach was a little busy for my taste but you certainly could not beat the soft sand and the crystal waters. Jodi and I spent a solid hour checking out the reef and taking pictures at the eastern point.

Most of the kids had a great time. You can't please everyone all the time, however our 7 year old daughter had the time of her life! Whether it is ocean or pool she just swam and splashed to her hearts content. I can guarantee the day after we land she will be asking when we come back… The gears in my head are already turning…

Very happy with SBR. With each return they get incrementally better. I won't go into details, but certainly a sea change (no pun) from when we started here 24 years ago. Looking forward to returning hopefully next year.

We are heading back tomorrow to polar opposites. Wisconsin. For the remainder of the summer, we will be heading to the extended family lake cabin in the Northwoods. Cooler waters, and evenings.

Never walk onto a job site with empty hands. - Source Unknown