I'm a foodie and don't mind paying for it as well, so after listening to you all, last went in 2019 as mostly eat on the French side and from what I remember, the food was fine and if I was to rate it. Value for money for SXM 9/10. Portions. 9/10. Food itself 7.5/10. Service 9/10, So overall it rates well, and when on the way to Philly would pop in again if starving. We are all different. I will never forget the Foie Gras soup at La Cigale, which is at the other end of the scale if not totally off the charts and I had two lots with several glasses of Sauternes to go with it as I am such a pig and basically sat on the throne for the next day, but it was worth it(at the time).The soup and wine possibly cost more than a meal for two at Marks, but I enjoyed both in different ways.