Because of a very delayed flight from MCO to Mia, I requested AA to change my flight from MIA direct to Eis which they did, Thanks.
So we boarded the plane in Mia. They have the most difficult ramp to the plane I have ever seen. Difficult for older folks to deal with but we did. The regular coach seat is very cramped and I did not have enough room for my feet. The solution is to buy the + seating which give you more leg room on the plane. Short flight although we hit some very rough weather on the way to EIS. The plane rolled and bucked through it all. Landing at EIS is interesting as the runway is short. The plane parked as far from immigration as possible. She needed help from several folks to make it to immigration. a single carry-on. Thanks to all who helped.
Bottom line. I will be driving to Mia and then taking the non-stop to EIS in the future.