The only time I have been boarded and robbed was in the BVI. We were on the dock at Conch charters in Roadtown.
were you on board at the time, George?
The only time I have been boarded and robbed was in the BVI. We were on the dock at Conch charters in Roadtown.
were you on board at the time, George?
We were onboard. My wife woke me and said someone was on the boat. To humor her I got up and looked around and lit the boat up. Saw no one and went back to bed. In the morning found several items missing including 300 in cash from wife’s purse which was on a shelf just outside our cabin door. Conch had camera’s and caught him boarding the boat. I was told he also hit a TMM boat. Police had zero interest in doing anything. Just said it’s Christmas time!