“Spend the money- take the trip.“ I’ve added one more line to this saying, “Make it an adventure!” For over 20 years Gary and I have tried to get to St. Barthelemy. This year we screwed up the courage, got on the little plane, rented the pretty convertible and had a fabulous adventure.

We drove all over this picturesque island, went up and down the winding hills, saw some nice beaches and had a lobster sandwich that cost as much as two days groceries at home. But we’re so glad we did it.

Thanks to the wonderful people on TTOL for helping us make the most of our day. We rented from Top Loc, had lunch at a restaurant on St Jean Beach, flew Winair out of PJIA because the timing was better for us than the St Barthes Commuter and tried to prepare as best as we could for the skinny, winding roads. Thanks for the heads up but the roads were crazy, scary in places. When I think back- I’m still holding my breath and hanging onto the steering wheel with a death grip! LOL

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