Tough argument, the "nobody goes there anymore because it is too crowded" statement by Yogi Berra comes to mind. Most if no all the places they are building are going to sell, the rental market and hotel markets seem to be doing well. Add to that real estate prices have not dropped, and I for one can state I still expect to be going there for many years.
I wish they would work on the infrastructure to support what is there and what they plan to build, the road through the golf course is a perfect example as well as parking for Mullet as Kim stated. Past that where do you draw the line or where should have they drawn the line for development? There are many points in time I am sure people argued about allowing the developments that have happened from the Original Mullet Bay Resort to the Cruise Ship terminal to the other large resorts and condo buildings. People want more and there is a demand for more, but want what it used to be, impossible.
I then just sit here dreaming of my next trip to SXM in 219 days. Back to work!