The Hario system combines a special dripper (open-ended, not a solid bottom with holes) and filter paper. The dripper survived, but was made to match the glass carafe and doesn't have a lip or stand. I'm almost certain ACE won't have it, but am willing to try PDG first and then ace. Basically, a coffee specialty store that also carries Aeropress would have it. But I am going to order a number of things on Amazon in the USA anyway and the use a shipper like 4-Star-Cargo to get it here, so I'll combine it with that order if I can't get it sooner. My first coffee this morning didn't work out too well with Hario dripper...
I use West Tech for shipping because of its convenient location close to Island Water World, and order SOMETHING from Amazon pretty well weekly. Since West Tech no longer offers consolidation, I wait a bit and use "Amazon Day" for delivery to have it in the smallest number of single boxes.