I also recommend Divi as a snorkeling spot! There are many rock formations close to shore where you can see lots of sea life swimming about. For the more adventurous snorkel trip, you can follow the shoreline to the tip and head around it. I've been told that there was a helicopter and an ambulance sunk out there many years ago. I've never seen them but I'm not that adventurous. As you go along the shoreline, you will see lots of urchins, fish, maybe even a few rays. While you are at Divi, you can walk up to see the remains of the fort and catch a great view of the neighboring islands and Philipsburg. We've also done the Rhino Riders which includes a stop to snorkel and also an Island boat excursion (although I can't remember the name) which included lunch at a lolo and a few snorkel stops.

We love casual dining spots -- Dinghy Dock and the Sand Bar just to name two on the Dutch side of the Island.

Enjoy your trip. There is so much to see and do, you will be back! I'm sure many others would agree -- we've all been going for years and still find new places to eat, new things to see.