I guess we are pretty pedestrian in our alcohol choices at home these days. We mostly drink wine, I drink Bacardi Limon (usually with diet 7), and Eric occasionally drinks Tanqueray. I thought I had a bottle of Jack Daniels in our liquor cabinet, which is way in the bottom of the storage cabinet and i rarely get in there. Unfortunately, no Jack, but i DID discover one partial bottle of Ma DouDou banana vanilla, as well as one UNOPENED bottle of same.

Also found an open bottle of Grand Marnier and Kahlua! Does Kahlua go bad??

I tasted it and it seemed ok. The Grand Marnier was good too!

I also found a small bottle of some rot-gut rum from Jamaica, unopened, but age apparently did NOT improve the flavor of that!!

Also found two bottles of port, both open, which I have no idea why we would have bought port? Perhaps someone gave it to us?? One tasted absolutely disgusting, the other one I may try to use in a sauce.
So what 'treasures'--or not--have you discovered in your liquor cabinet??