Coming back for our 5th trip to the BVIs in June. Bringing down two other couples that are BVI virgins. CAN'T WAIT!! Would love a couple restaurant thoughts you may have for two open nights we have... (I've read the other threads which helped me get to this point!)
1) TORTOLA: We can grab a taxi at Trellis and head to dinner. Open to a 30 minute cab ride. Would love a laid back vibe, a sunset, and live music if I was going for the trifecta. Quitos or Myett's our best choices?
2) ANEGADA: we'll be there for a day trip on a Monday. We don't have to leave the island until 6:15pm. An early Dinner at 4:30 should give us plenty of time right? It looks like Wonky Dog doesn't serve dinner until 6:00pm so I'm thinking Potter's or Lobster Trap. Flip of the coin?
Thank you in advance!