"I never did believe in miracles, but I've a feeling it's time to try"

Woke to that song lyric while watching the New England sun peek through my shades hearing my trusty Newfoundland snore happily next to my bedside this morning and our phat cat curled up in the sun spot on the end of the bed. Not everyone is a animal person, I get it, but the greeting we got last night when we all made it through the door was pretty special. Sitting here sipping not french coffee, ripping apart fresh baguettes, cutting up pastries and quiche to share is a little rough. Viewing the aftermath of getting home at 11:30 and just dumping it all & going to bed is daunting also. But that's why I booked it so we have a weekend to decompress and reflect while putting our post vacation lives back together.

But enough of my first morning home woes. Can't complain too much after what we just did. I woke at 4:30 on travel day and just took the time to soak in the last moments of the trip. It was overcast as we woke. Not good for everyone still vacationing but we took it as a good way to wrap it up. Cleaned up what was left in the villa and loaded up early, giving ourselves plenty of time to fuel up the jeep on the ride to drop it off and shuttle over to the airport. We said our good byes to J&T as they had a later flight on AA and were getting a taxi later, and were meeting up with Magali to check out. Jumped in the jeep and took off. Morning traffic is no joke, thankful we allowed ourselves a lot of time. (We usually get made fun of for being the earliest people who plan way too far ahead.) The rain started as we hit Grand Case, which didn't help traffic. Despite the weather we all enjoyed the ride to the airport. Each of us noticing things and views that are amazing. We weren't gonna let a rainy travel day bring us down! Dropped the jeep off with zero issues, shuttled over and got into the airport.

We got there early so we hunkered down for about 30 mins or so before JetBlue opened. Once open we checked our bags and flew through security. It was a breeze. The missus is very good with travel paperwork, she used to travel internationally and domestically for work quite a bit, and it helps being a Mosaic customer with JetBlue. Got past security, hunkered down at our gate and I ran off to do my hunter/gather duty and find food. Opted for the Le Bistro (I think that's the name) as it was the only place open at the time. Got two hot sandwiches (a caprese & an Italian) and chips. Stopped at the little liquor store at the bottom of the steps and grabbed some waters and a beer. We sat at a table by the wall of fish and got our grub on. Solid to-go airport food in my opinion. We all kind of just reveled in the fact that it would be our last meal on the island. The bar opened soon after and I grabbed a aperol spritz for me and a prosecco for the missus. Hoping they were open I went up and walked around to see if Johney Burger was serving, alas too early. So I grabbed a couple bags of chips just in case we needed something more. (I had spotted some lemon plantain chips earlier, love plantain chips). Got back to our table, packed up our stuff and started to board.

Flight to JFK was uneventful. One of the attendants came up as we were about to take off to greet us personally as Mosaic members and let us know if we needed anything to let her know. We aren't use to that kind of service, so as she came to address us we all thought we were in trouble. Really funny moment. Flight was great. A bit of turbulence as we landed, but that's that Northern weather. Got our bags, blew through customs, dropped off our bags again and hit the wall of people at TSA. Made it through pretty quickly for a Friday evening at JFK. Found a restaurant to grub and have a cocktail before our last leg to BOS. Not the best food to have after a week of culinary delights, but we needed sustenance. I was muttering under my breath the whole time that we can't even do good airport food in America. But it is what it is. Grabbed our check and got to the gate with a 15 min wait. Hopped on our flight. A quick 45 min jump to BOS.

Before we got on the flight to BOS I got a text from our car service saying they would be late due to previous clients with weather delays. Our flight was also coming in 30 mins early. He offered me a full refund due to the issue, I declined. He is a start up in the area who is building a clientele, weather isn't his fault. We got off the flight in BOS and went to grab our bags thinking we would be waiting around for him for about 30+ minutes. NOPE! There was an Orlando flight that landed right around the same time and JetBlue decided to use one baggage claim for both flights. It was a mess. But hey what can you do. We finally got our luggage, made our way up to the pickup area and got a text from our driver that he'd be there in 5 mins. Great timing. The owner of the company was the one picking us up so we got to discuss it all and assured him that there would be no bad online reviews and not to refund us. Enjoyable ride home chatting with him. He was a business owner in the town the missus grew up in and now lives in a nearby town to us. Will definitively be using his service again. Like I started off, walked into the house to a furball greeting, dropped our gear and went to bed. We are lucky enough to have a house/pet sitter who takes great care of everything.

Not sure there's much left to reflect on. I've pretty much put it all on the table this week. Are there things we missed out on, sure. Every vacation has those. But we weren't interested in a lot of hustle and bustle on our trip. We were really focused on relaxing, goal achieved. One of the pics I am attaching is of a cup the missus had custom made on Etsy for everyone on the trip. I opted for the rainbow one, and stuffed it with the Hot Oil packets from BO pizza when we left. Short of all the memories I think the only thing I brought back for myself are the hot oil packets. Oh and all the sand in my suitcase. Thanks everyone for taking this journey with us. It's been one helluva ride. Honestly couldn't have done it with out all of you and all your posts over the years. Take care all. I will be hovering around and looking forward to your posts and trip reports to get me through until the next trip. Safe travels.

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