RnM--As I assume you know, moving to the Caribbean and working is a whole different thing than retiring there. You'd have the beauty of the Caribbean, yes, but you also have the issues that come from living on an island. Like hurricanes. Like the internet decides not to work for a couple of days. Or GEBE (the local electric company) decides not to work for a couple of days. Or, you can't just go to the store and buy "X", like you could in the states. You may have to order it and have it shipped and maybe it shows up and maybe it doesn't. Or 'rock fever', I think it's called, where you get tired of being confined to this little space of rock in the middle of the ocean. Or, you have a major medical issue and you have to be med-evacced to the states, in order to properly treat it. But meantime you're working, so you have to deal with satisfying your boss, and trying to keep your employees in line, and trying to get in supplies or whatever for the business, etc., etc., etc.
I don't know how it works exactly, but if you're American, the company has to prove somehow that there are not any local people who are qualified to do the job. This may be a big deal and it may not be.
As far as I know, there are extremely few people on here who are working on island that are not locals. Lesley, who responded above (Kenny's is his online name) is a business owner on island, and he is a local. You might want to contact him by private message and see if he could give you any information about the company you are considering.
I know it seems like we are all being "Debbie Downers", but maybe we are all just secretly thinking that we would never be so lucky as to get a job offer on island!

Best wishes. If you do take the job, we would be interested in hearing about your experience.