I know this is long and I just want you all to know that I did do alot of searches before compiling my list of questions so that hopefully I answered a few on my own already and cut my list down to just the ones below ha..
Here is a little background about my trips.....
My last trip to SXM was in May 2017. I have missed that beautiful island so much. My late husband Russ and I started visiting the island in 1997. We stayed at the Sapphire Beach Club for 2 weeks and loved every moment of it. We took one or two international trips a year depending on the distance etc and had been to Barbados, St. Thomas, Aruba, Cancun, hawaii, mediterranean coast etc and we fell in love with SXM the minute we landed (our other love is Marbella Spain but SXM is much closer : ). I have never been able to explain to people why everything feels different in SXM vs other Caribbean islands. We felt at ease and loved the people, the beaches and the food. So it became a regular vacation place. We have a couple of timeshares in Colorado and we use RCI to trade. We took my sisters and their husbands on a trip there to do a celebration of life for my father who wanted his ashes in the Caribbean since we are from Cuba originally and Cuba was not an option. Russ and I thought SXM was the perfect place so we did a family trip and my family also fell in love with the island. We rented a villa on Orient and once they left Russ and I stayed for another week. One of my sister's and her husband loved the island so much they work hard on building a vacation fund so that they can join us on our SXM trips from time to time.
Sadly my husband of 30 years passed away in 2018 after 7 years of battling aggressive prostate cancer. Our last trip which included my sister and brother-in-law was for my 50th birthday in May 2017. We had to cancel the 2018 trip due to his illness and I couldn't get myself to go in 2019 because of sadness. After being consumed by sadness, loneliness and depression for over a year, I met a very nice gentleman and got married fairly quickly. His brother was dating my best friend and I went on a group outing where they were setting Rich up with someone else but someone we connected and the other person was not interested so her loss and my gain ha... My experience with death showed me that life is too short and we can't waste a minute of it. We dated for a couple of months and got married. We are both in our early 50s with no kids. Rich is from Nebraska (that is where I grew up after immigrating from Cuba) and he had never travelled outside the US and had not travelled much in general. On one of our first dates I told him if he wanted to date me he needed a passport and he got one right away. We ended up going to Grand Cayman for our honeymoon because I still did not have the courage to visit SXM without Russ and we booked a SXM trip for 2021. With COVID etc we changed our SXM trip to Hawaii so that it was a bit easier which gave me more time to adapt to the idea of visiting SXM without Russ. We rebooked for July of 2022 to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We originally booked a week on the island at Belair (my favorite place) and one week on Tradewinds sail which is something I had never done with Russ so that felt good. Rich is excited to visit the island I constantly talk about and I hope he falls in love with it also. He is very understanding of the situation and I do plan on putting a few of Russ' ashes in the ocean as that was one of Russ' wishes.
My husband, Rich is fully vaccinated, but I am not due to a health condition, so unfortunately I am not allowed on Tradewinds sails and that portion has been cancelled. We are still going and I am just working on the rest of the trip etc thus why I had previously asked about places to stay etc.
I am now searching posts to see what has changed in the last 5 years as I know IRMA caused alot of changes etc. I saw that Dreams is no longer there which made me so very sad but
Sorry for the long post, it felt good to post it here. I read so many great reviews and other chats on here that although I have never gone to a TTOL party I am familiar with many of your names and am very appreciative of your reports and pictures.
Here are my questions:
1. I read the sushi chef from Dreams went to La Playa so was excited to go there. I went to their website and there was a note about having to show a vaccine card or negative test within 72 hours. Given that I am not vaccinated, my negative test to enter the country will be good for 72 hours but what about beyond that? Will I be able to visit any of the French side restaurants?
2. We loved Dreams just because it was low key and relaxing. Is there anyplace like that anywhere else? We loved that we could have lunch and hang out on the beach chairs and make it a day. We would take a dip on the beach if we were hot etc..
3. Are there any beach bars that include the beach chairs as long as you buy food and drinks etc?? Or are they all independent in Orient?
4. We usually go to SXM in May and have visited in January and September. We have always preferred May as it was less busy and September we found too many things closed. July is off season right so will it be less crowded? Is there anything that we need to know about July? More mosquitos etc. I know it is hurricane season.
5. I have read many posts about some restaurants to try etc so I am excited about trying new things and making new special memories with new hubby although I will need to visit a few of the old places that we had visited before such as Oceans 82, Chesterfields, etc but as I was reading some older posts so that I am not redundant and ask the same things, I saw that there were comments about the beach bar in divi no longer being there? Is that correct? If so did they replace it with anything? Also what about Serafinas in Marigot? Is that still open and is it still good?
6. Carol Hill, I know that you stayed at a villa in Pelican ??? Do you have rental information for that place? It looked really good and I am trying to decided if I should do something like that which has a private pool type thing or stay at a more resorty place like Royal Palms which I know you said you have stayed at and is nice and so centrally located. I am leaning towards Royal Palms right now but have read some reviews about how loud it is etc so the peacefulness of a more remote location appealed to me too. We are usually in bed by 10 ha...Also was there wi-fi in the villa you rented? I am trying to see if my company will let me work remotely for a few weeks so that we can extend our stay a little. If it wasn't for having to board a dog and they allowed it I would consider doing a couple of months there but maybe not in midst of hurricane season ha... Or any other villa ideas (ocean view and full kitchen) are welcomed. Will want to stay on Dutch side to avoid any vaccination issues and budget is up to $3k a week. Less is better so that we can enjoy other things but I never know what you can get for the money ha..
7. Seaweed. I know it is a nature thing and noone can control it but what can I expect of the beaches? Are there some areas that are affected more than others? When we went to Grand Cayman we could not use the beach in front of our resort due to the seaweed and the smell was awful. I read on this board that Orient was pretty bad over the holidays so wondered about other areas?
8. Safety and French side. I have read here reports of protests etc. We are not ones to stay out late etc and are fairly cautious when traveling. We do love Grand Case for dinner so wondered if it was safe to go there and if we should take the bridge and go through Marigot rather than the Quarter de Orleans route if we do venture that way?
9. What is left at the Marina. I know Tropicana used to be one of my favorites. I know with the hurricane and even prior to that the Marina didn't have much left?
10. Rich loves to fish and I would love to take him Deep Sea fishing during our stay. Are there any recommendations? I did reach out to Neil of Celine as I thought it might be fun to do a sail and maybe stay overnight a few nights etc but it is a bit out of our price range for a private charter as I was hoping to keep it to under $2k a day. I sent Neil a message (he is so nice) to see what we might be able to work out since it is off season or I am trying to see if another couple is interested and then we can share the cost but just in case I thought that I would at least explore other deep sea fishing options. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
11. I have never done the boats to pinel can anyone comment on that experience and how to get there etc? Is it safe to leave the car where you get the boat? We are renting from Lesley.
Lesley if you are reading this I am going to have to update my reservation as I will need a car for a little longer it looks but let me see what I figure out for how long I am staying and then I will let you know right away. Right now it would be 7/9 - 7/27 but we will see.
Happy to read anyone else's trip tips. Oh and I am not concerned about testing etc. We decided if we have to stay longer that is ok by us. We do have travel insurance or can just pay for it. Rather be by the beach in quarantine than at home anyday ha..
I am super excited about the trip and hope it all works out. Sincere thank you to everyone who contributes here. I have learned so much from all of you and it has always helped us make a better trip. I look forward to your responses.