I’m not sure what your point is or why ones stage of life is relevant. Could you explain better the purpose of your inquiry?
No need for the Long Island 'tude.
Weird post. What information do you need? I’m 63 and live life like I am 35 so what’s up dude.
Seriously, must have struck a nerve with you guys. Maybe I should have just posted ,"WHERE ARE ALL THE 40s PEOPLE AT? in similar fashion to Cleavon Little in Blazin Saddles "WHERE ARE ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE AT?!" Would that have been more sufficient? LOL And for the record, Im an old soul....
OK guys chill, ok?? Hopefully the original poster will come back and explain a bit more. But I do get that someone might be concerned that everyone will be 20-30 years older than they are..
I've observed that being among the younger posters here, our input and output is different than most of you a decade or 2 older. But I guess it must have hit a nerve. I like checkin on this forum as opposed to Facebook only b/c there is anonymity here and I don't like throwing my personal info on FB.
I think that every comment preceding the OP posting should be removed.
Welcoming much? Not!
This person has been with TTOL since 2015. Perhaps they visit other places or sail.
Y'all old foggies are certainly proving the point....lol
Seriously....yep, we ski, hike, swim. Life is short so we do it all!
Such a shame, the noobie is one and done. I was hoping the young blood would jazz things up a bit.
Really? Just having a busy week and don't read the forum hourly or daily. Sorry that some of you took it the wrong way (I re-read the post and can't see an offense) . If anything, some of the sophomoric responses do show your youth!

I enjoy reading this forum and prefer it over FB. We love SXM and what blew our minds last trip was that another in their 70s started talking to us then noted, yes, there remember us and basically had watch our kids grow up....They were real regulars coming for years. Love that about the island.