As of a couple of days ago the restaurants can now server alcohol and the bars have been allowed to open up as well. But they have to close by 18:00 (curfew is 19:00 and one hour is allocated for the employees to get home). While the COVID-19 numbers are still high and vaccination rate is around 20%, they need the tourism industry so once the season begins in November the restrictions will likely be relaxed further. It seems that the government is still really worried about the potential superspreader events that the Saturday "Jump-Ups" might cause so the Saturday night and Sunday curfews will remain for a bit. The resorts have a huge political influence so can pretty much break any rules at will. They've been doing that since I've been here with daily tourist excursions from Rodney Bay while officially all such excursions are banned. I might still be here, and my boat will certainly be here