I agree with Carol, CaribLee and Scubaman on this. The more that are vaccinated, the less likely the virus will spread. While there is some indication that those fully-vaccinated can potentially become asymptomatic carriers of the virus, it so far appears to be relatively rare. If you do catch it and become ill, the statistics also seem to show that the impact on the individual who is fully-vaccinated will be less severe or minimal.
It is imperative, IMO, that more islanders become vaccinated. It is not just to protect themselves, but also to create an atmosphere of "safety and concern" for the well-being of visitors to the island. Not all visitors (nor islanders) may care, but many do. Without visitors the island's economy would tank. That is the best argument IMO, at least in terms of self-interest, for getting vaccinated.
Also, when vaccinations are only at 50% there is more spread of the virus, which allows it to mutate much more easily. The current Delta variant is a good example of that. Most experts think that "herd immunity" is reached when the percentage of fully-vaccinated reaches around 80% to 85% or more. The ability of the virus to spread at that point becomes more difficult, at least in theory.
Last edited by CanuckTravlr; 08/16/2021 08:51 PM.