We like staying in Cruz Bay and being able to walk Frank Bay in the morning. Skytop by Star Villas was right there, no Cruz Bay noise, but walkable to Cruz Bay too.

Other options are the Gibney's Beach Villas, the Devers Bay villas of Dream Come True and Sunset Beach, and Villa Serenity on Francis Bay.

For morning walks, I prefer the Devers Bay/Hart Bay area. There's a ridge road that has east AND west views (rare). Dolphin Run is up there and is a remarkable deal. It does not have a/c, but the breeze through there is continuous and can blow things off your dresser.

Something to consider, St. John has amazing views and hillsides. The general mode is driving to the beach, which is unspoiled by villas and hotels. It's a national park experience. We stayed at Sunset Beach our first two trips, but then moved up the hillside for views and breezes.

No bad choices, just preferences.

Cheers, RickG