Jan. 29 On our way to the Pacific
Our advisor was due to be dropped off at 6:15 am; I had volunteered to make a frittata for breakfast, you are required to provide the advisors with three hot meals. It came out very well and he especially liked the homemade salsa and hot sauce I had brought along; toast and fresh fruit salad rounded out the very filling meal.
![[Linked Image]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/sunsetsammy/Sailing%202013%20-%202014/Panama/day43-1_zps2dfe90ba.jpg)
Our advisor looks on as a large freighter passes us on it's way to the Caribbean
We motored the 28 miles to the entrance of the Miraflores locks which would take us to the Pacific, a first for Skyelark and met up rafted up again with our transit partners.
![[Linked Image]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/sunsetsammy/Sailing%202013%20-%202014/Panama/day43-2_zpsee8d4160.jpg)
Approaching the locks, the group ahead of us is already rafted up
The down bound locks are much easier to deal with than the up bound ones and it was an easy day for all. Once out of the locks we headed for the anchorage off Amadore Causeway, the Panama City skyline looming large in the distance.
![[Linked Image]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/sunsetsammy/Sailing%202013%20-%202014/Panama/day43-3_zpsee6a0b20.jpg)
We are finally through the locks
![[Linked Image]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/sunsetsammy/Sailing%202013%20-%202014/Panama/day43-4_zpse45fa4df.jpg)
Passing through the Bridge of the Americas
It was terribly hot on the foredeck all day, especially with no breeze; so not knowing we were under water rationing protocol I took a shower as soon as the boat was settled for the night. I must say it was very refreshing and left me feeling fresh as a daisy, whereas the rest of the crew smelled like a herd of goats.
![[Linked Image]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/sunsetsammy/Sailing%202013%20-%202014/Panama/day43-5_zps9365ebbf.jpg)
The Panama City skyline
We took the dingy to shore for a WARC briefing, and free drink; then went over to a nearby restaurant for drinks and wifi. I tactfully positioned myself upwind of the others and we settled in for the night. The food was very good and reasonable, rib eye steak for $10.50 (US is used here). As a special treat the drinks can be ordered by the glass, ¼, ½ or full bottle. Jan and I couldn’t resist getting a ½ bottle of Stolicnaya vodka which was served I a carafe with mixers of choice included.