So we went back today at 11, the entire process took about 15 minutes. At the first tent, they took your info and checked your passport and used that to enter data into the system, including your email. They did not ask for confirmation of residing on the French side, or a plane ticket. They said they do antigen testing from 11 to 2 pm, and yes, there is no charge, it is a service of the Red Cross. You then drive around to the second tent, the attendant confirms the info , including the email address, and then takes the swap. I liked that they used the passport info to enter the testing info, that eliminates the problem with using a different name for the test. He said the test takes about 15 minutes, but if we did not get the results in a few hours, we could come back and ask for the results. He also said if we needed print copies, we could come back the next day. Within a few hours, we both received emails with a link to a password protected document which was the results. The one issue is that if you save the document to your phone, it will still be password protected, so you might want to write it down when it comes to having it handy to open up when you get to the airport, and the US. I was able to send it to a friend in the US who opened it and printed it and scanned it back to me so I won't have to fumble for the password.

They are located past the Smec, at Hope Estates, sorry about the photo, but the first one shows the SMEC building, and far in the distance you can see the flags for the Red Cross. The second photo shows the two tents. When we were there was no line, but they had tons of cones in a field so it looks like they could accommodate a number of cars.

I asked at the first tent if we could give a donation, and they said they do not accept money locally, but can go to a website. When we went to the second tent, where they actually do the swap, we talked to the two gentlemen there and again I asked about a donation. They said they do not accept money locally, and that if we go to the website, it goes to the main branch - at least I think that is what they said, both said there English was not very good, and my French is not much more that Bon jour. One of them said if we wanted to give locally, we could drop off supplies. I asked what they needed, and they said soap, toiletries , and feminine hygiene products, so we stopped by the Leader Price on the way back to the beach and filled up a bag. They said they accept drop offs starting around 9, so I will make my drop off tomorrow.

Attached Images
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