Thanks for the informative recap. We've resigned ourselves to the mooring ball race on our STJ area charter next month....sigh......
That lovely marine creature you saw is the elusive spotted eagle ray. They, along with whale sharks, who don't frequent these waters, are my favorite snorkel and dive buddies. Something about those spots..

Coral Bay has a large liveaboard community hence the absence of public moorings. Dolphin really hasn't had to support a charter industry so water access isn't a huge priority. We're always popping in there when we are land based up on Bordeaux Mountain.
I for one am hoping that all these DYC boats and others (darn it Moorings) eventually go back to their original "homes" so STJ can get back to relative peace and quiet but I know there is little chance of that happening at least anytime soon.
As for Lovango - we've got an overnight mooring reserved for next month with a backup plan in case the winds dictate a different overnight location. Still hoping we can make it work. Zozo's at Caneel is wonderful and we definitely WILL make that reservation work.