Re El Zafiro and the experiences of so many, I guess we are just not very sophisticated diners or we are extremely lucky in that we’ve always been pleased with our meals there. John maintains one night last November he had the best scallop appetizer he’s ever had on the island so go figger........

And I still maintain over 48 years of annual trips to St. Martin/Sint Maarten I’ve had ONLY two meals on this island I was not pleased with, and both were at eateries that were and one still is popular with many people here. Different likes and dislikes coupled with the fact that chefs and cooks move around constantly? I don’t know the answer.

At EZ for breakfast yesterday, J ordered French toast and when served, as expected, it was made on store bread as opposed to baguette which was the way we’d always had it back in the day. In speaking with the waitress he asked why nobody makes it from baguette anymore and while she said she didnt know, she did say if we come back again just ask and they’ll be happy to do so. We’ll see.........



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat