Both cruise ships that were fairly stationary off the beaches in this area have left, at least for now, but I have it on good authority they will be back. And at the same time, I can’t help but notice the visibility of the near islands - St. Kitts and Nevis along with Statia and even Saba to a much lesser degree, have become less clear. Still very visible but not as much so as our first days here. They seem to fade in and out but are still clearly visible. No mega yachts, working boats or cruise ships today. Just beautiful ocean with sun beams glistening on it and the occasion small boat (which probably costs more than many of our homes......) passing by. And beach walkers - lots and lots of beach walkers.
So, we went to the Yacht Club for breakfast, intending to head into P’Berg but we got sidetracked and ended up on the causeway and on our way to wherever. We soon found out where all the missing traffic went. My only question - don’t island cars have directional signals? Guessing NOT judging by what we saw and experienced.......

Spent a quiet day at the pool and on our porch after our drive and fighting all the traffic in Marigot but we should have known better. Still surprised by all the remaining devastation on the French side but at least they’re working on it.
Went to Fat Tony’s for dinner to finally try their $19.99 pp grilled steak dinner so many have told us about and much to our surprise, it was absolutely delicious. The setting isn’t fancy for sure so no need to get all dressed up - comfortably casual for sure - but the food was yummy and we might even go back next Tuesday for a redo.
Woke to another beautiful morning. Ah, paradise! It’s so hard to be here. NOT!!