What we gleaned from the announcements for any and all persons wishing to enter the BVI from 1 December, 2020:
4 day quarantine still in place (see more on this below).
Covid test results up-loaded to entry website prior to arrival & entry approved.
Health insurance will be required for travelers (ie: Covid insurance of some sort, and assume it's needed by non-BVI-based crew as well). Maybe check programmes available from MASA (Medical Air Services).
Covid test on arrival in the territory.
Government approved transport from the airport/ferry dock to approved quarantine site (yacht).
Travelers will be required to upload a tracking app to their phones.
Travelers will be required to wear a tracking wristband of some sort.
The fee for the two local Covid tests and the wristband will be significantly less than first thought: US$175/person. One should assume this applies to crews as well as tourists.
Charter guests may quarantine aboard the yacht.
Quarantined yachts may do so in designated quarantine anchorages (Which ones yet to be revealed).
Yachts may navigate between designated quarantine anchorages during the quarantine period.
3rd Covid test after 4 day quarantine.
After passing out of quarantine tourists free to roam the islands.
These protocols apply to people age 5 and over.
At first, as previously stated, only the Beef Island Airport will be receiving travelers. It was implied that the initial seaport for entry will be at the Road Town Customs House.