USA schools have a whole list of inoculations a child needs to enter the classroom. USA immigration has a whole list of inoculations required to enter the country. NO one can force anyone to get these vaccines...but there is a price to pay if you don't. It is quite cannot enter.

Right are STATES in the USA that will not allow you to cross the state lines unless you quarantine for 2 weeks.

Freedom comes with a is not free. We all must play by the rules in order to have freedom.

I understand completely that folks have the choice to get vaccines...I support their choice. I also completely understand that my rights are not more important than anyone else's. I have the power to say no thank you I will not get the vaccine....and they have the choice to say you cannot enter.

Millions of people choose to get the flu shot every year...millions choose not to. At any given time...governments could make it mandatory that you receive the flu shot in order to enter their country. You either comply or you stay home.

The freedom of choice.