Pat, I'll join the chorus and say what a great way of looking at things. IF the island is accepting tourists, I think it will all still come down to personal a choice as to when someone returns to the island. As you know, my March/April trip was canceled and the next trip scheduled is Oct/Nov. Optimistically, we're going but I honestly can't say it's a slam dunk. I think this is where everyone's personal choice comes in. I don't think anyone really knows, including the scientists, what conditions of this virus are going to be like then, nor knowing what, if any, vaccines will exist. I will be making my reservations for March/April soon as per usual and like you, I just can't imagine not getting there in the fall. But if that happens, it happens. It would be the 1st time in 50 years going over a year without getting to the island. I know if I were in my 30's-40's, I'd have a different, bolder attitude about getting there. I just keep on hoping and keeping fingers crossed that soon this will be over and more manageable. But I don't think anyone really knows.