We went to Orient Beach today to see the progress on the smaller bar restaurants. We are fans of Orange Fever so rented chairs there - $10 two chairs and umbrella, plus use of his restroom. He said he still has no power, so no blender drinks. So his Pina Colada had the right flavor, but had ice cubes, rather than crushed ice. His place looks nice, and the restroom is nice as well. He had two types of chairs, the white plastic lounges with orange cushions, or a similar color fabric lounger with the head visor.

I also looked next door, the 3 other buildings were in various stages of completion. Chez Leandra still needs a roof, but had chairs and drinks, and was using a generator to run their blender. Sun Beach Clubber looked closed up, but I think I heard people working on it. The 4th one, sorry don't know the name was serving at the bar. Hard to tell when they will be able to offer food, my guess is they need the Collective to run electric. There was also a building being constructed on the far other end, near the boulders heading towards Mt Vernon, not sure what that will be.

There were workers putting roofs on some of the buildings at Mt. Vernon, but the pool area still is torn up, and no signs of work there. Some of the Mt. Vernon buildings are in very rough shape.

Since Orange Fever could not offer food, we went to Kontiki, excellent BBC, crispy chicken wrap, and a chocolate, raspberry concoction for dessert. I asked the waitress to bring a spoon for me and a toothpick for my wife so we could share dessert, instead she brought two spoons and placed them in front of my wife.

Attached Images
orange fever chairs resized.jpg sun beach clubber 2.jpg chez l med.jpg mount vernon roofs med.jpg construction near boulders 2 med.jpg dessert 2 med.jpg
Last edited by barryvabeach; 02/19/2020 08:20 PM.