It looks like I'm siding with most folks here, as we generally round up, and usually try to keep it around 5%. The only exception is if the MENU clearly states that service (not tip) is excluded, and then we resort to American customs. Clearly, Yvette's cannot possibly include service in their rates, but, L' Auberge Gourmand becomes a pricier proposition, but I'll respect their statement.
As an aside, in a strange land I ask try not to ask either Brits (I never tip) or Americans (I always tip 20%) for guidance. Doesn't always work out, though.
That is the restaurant that confuses me the most. On the dutch side I have seen them add a service charge. Usually don't see them add it to the bill on french side. So L' Auberge Gourmand dose not add a service charge I didn't see one at la villa either and both are priced fairly similar. Are they expecting a 15-20% tip based on there statement? What would someone visiting from France leave seeing that statement on the menu?