I don't think he was trolling. As a small business owner and someone who's committed to bringing a cat into charter in 2020, I've been watching the economy closely for years. It may be new to folks but economic forecasters have predicted a slow down in 2020 for several years and a potential recession since over a year ago. So it may seem new and political but it's not.
That said, we went ahead and committed to the boat anyway based on our love for sailing, at least anecdotal evidence that the charter business is not as affected by a slow down as other businesses. The draw of BVI to sailors attracts charterers world wide so I see it as Gordaguy mentioned, a factor of our ROI. I don't see a recession as comparable to the 2008, only the depression compares.
So, we will be there come hell or high water.

and truly hope that many others feel the same way.