Do not even think of buying TS on Sint Maarten! As we have seen, the facility owner can pocket all the income, run up bills, and declare bankruptcy. The bank sells the property to the highest bidder who then writes TS owners that their contracts were with the former owner and they are under no obligation to honor them.

One case has been taken to court and has been sitting there for years while the offended timeshare owners pay lawyers and vacation elsewhere, if at all. We are amongst those kicked out of The Caravanserai whose name was changed to Alegria and now Morgan's. Stay away.

There has been one noted exception where the new owner has worked something out to the TS owners satisfaction. Dot and I are very pleased with Mark Cleveland's treatment of us at Mary's Boon.

Last edited by Bob_Dot; 08/25/2019 02:35 PM. Reason: Add information.