Would someone be so kind as to walk me through the steps/procedures for a BVI-USVI-BVI transit? We have a 433PC from the Moorings out of Tortola. It has the proper USCG documents (our boat). We are US citizens. We are relatively new boaters (third trip) and my wife wants to go to St. John.
I have pieced together some of the processes by searching the forum but would really like to not have a gotcha during this first rip. We are marginally competent at anchoring so any difficult anchorages should be highlighted. It would be really useful to have this quite detailed, step by step, without any assumptions that we know how to do X or Y. We can navigate from Tortola to a specific USVI destination, certainly, unless there is a specific don't go this way. Any forms that we can download and pre-complete would be good to know about too.