We have owned at SBRM weeks 8&9 since 1984 (Pelican Resort days) and have visited our "Happy Place" practically every year until Irma. Our units at SBRM were severely damaged by Irma and were in one of the three buildings razed. After some soul searching we reluctantly relinquished these units, realizing that floating "points" would neither guarantee accommodations in our preferred timeframe nor equaling the view we enjoyed for over 30 years. As luck would have it, we did have the 2018 weeks and some unredeemed certificates in our Interval account. We will be returning on May 18th thru May 25th at OBBR using the certificates. We are aware of the the area and property, but would appreciate any info from fellow members who have stayed there over the years. Our exchange places us into what I infer is a studio (occupancy 2, with Limited Kitchen). From photos it appears to be the equivalent of a hotel room with small refrig and burners in lieu of full kitchen. Also I am guessing that our view will be of Marina rather than ocean. Any comments welcome. Thanks.
P.S. Our former view is that listed on our identifier.