We have chartered BVI eight times and are headed back there next week. Eight days to wheels up and anchor down, but who is counting?

We elected to move to St. Marteen, St. Bart, Anguilla several years ago. We thoroughly enjoyed the diversion. The passages between islands is a blt longer than in the BVI, but all still line of sight and manageable times from one island to another. The wave action is also a bit heavier than in the Drake Channel, but again, not overly challenging. I must admit that we enjoyed St Barts and Anguilla more than St Martin, but none were disappointing. The beaches in St Barts and Anguilla were spectacular. The biggest PITA in the St. Marteen/St Barts/Anguilla circuit is the requirement to clear from one island and check in to the nest, as one is French, one is Dutch and the other is a British possession. Again, not a game changer, but you just need to be prepared for the bureaucratic process in clearing in/out and the fees associated with that process. Bottom line, we had no regrets about switching cruising areas but we are spoiled the ease of sailing BVI. As always, high calorie junk food for thought.

Sailing is not a matter of life and death-it is more important than that