Thanks for all the comments, feedback, and suggestions folks. Yes, AA has already approved Barley to ride in the cabin with us so he won't have to be in the bottom of the plane. I would never subject him to riding down there even though I believe they put live animals in a pressurized part of the belly of the plane. I have heard about salt water poisoning but I wasn't aware that it interferes with a dogs ability to cool herself. Barley is used to the heat and loves to swim, but I will be sure to limit his time in the ocean. We are bringing potty pads for him to use on the boat since this boat does not have netting (at least the pix don't show any). I am planning to keep in on the lease and will be on the lookout for strays when we are on shore.
Steve~We are chartering a PC 433. We pick up our boat on the 27th. We're planning to stay on dock that night then head to JVD-after that we'll see where the wind blows us.

Would love to meet up with you guys!!!
YachtReprise~Thanks for you comments and support! It's great to know the different ways the expats and native islanders view dogs. I'm sure that will be helpful. We will definitely keep an eye out for the poison. Do they tend to place it in specific locations on or around the beaches?