Hey there MAL good to hear that things are coming along at CRC. We've been wondering, keeping our fingers crossed and praying all will be back to normal. We arrive on 6/14 same time as Chris & Tracy, Tim & Deb so we should be on the same ferry over from STT. Trying to book at Sebastian's for a couple for days prior to boarding the boat on the 16th with Jim & Joyce, Jim's sister and brother-in-law and Michael & Laura Alvey. Wanda at Sebastian's seems a bit unsure as to when Seb's will open and it's hard being so far a way to get a feel for what's happening. SO WHEN'S THE PARTY?????
Is the restaurant open at Sugar Mill yet? I sure hope we can stay on Apple Bay! We missed seeing you both last year so hoping it all works out this year! Cannot come soon enough!
I'm thinking about it Mappy! Keeping an eye on flights and places that are open to stay at!!