Originally Posted by GaKaye
Linda, I tip $5 per day, and also felt that $10 was high.

I’m inclined to agree with the five dollar amount. To me, ten dollars seems high but remember, Peeps, tipping is purely a personal and individual issue. Tips used to be given for personal service beyond the scope of the norm and were a gift, not a requirement. Quite honestly, when I see the annual December tipping guides every year I go a little crazy.

When we stay at our timeshare we don’t tip daily because the service provided to us is only the daily swapping of towels and removing the trash but when the ladies do the midweek cleaning including changing the bed linens, we leave them $15.00 to $20.00 depending on the state of our unit. We don’t leave dirty dishes and we tend to treat the condo in the same manner we would our home. Upon departure we leave the same amount or perhaps a bit more if the maids have gone out of their way to accommodate us.

With regard to our stays at BSV I think we left only $5.00 per day but again, we never leave dirty dishes and don’t do any cooking beyond morning coffee. But if the maids have provided any form of personal service beyond the normal scope of their jobs, the norms change a bit.

Personally speaking, I think the whole ‘tipping’ thing has gotten completely out of control in too many situations and I’ve never understood why a wait person would receive a larger tip for serving a filet mignon than a sliced sirloin steak or more for serving a mixed drink over a beer. But that’s a personal opinion and I’m not advocating for others to agree or disagree with me.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat